The last Hurrah

The last day was the toughest for me. I forgot about it after dinner. Before dinner, “Remember to write.” After dinner, full, exhausted, sleepy, and time got a way from me.

This has been a really fun month writing. I found I had lots of things I wanted to write about or share. I enjoyed it.

I really liked reading others’ posts. It’s so interesting seeing how many things we all have in common. Our experiences are sometimes different but more often, very similar.

Till next time, slicers! Adios.

When Abuelita got lost and made a new friend

I remember looking for my abuelita all over the store. Where could she have gone? She’s got teeny legs, she can’t get far that quickly.

Before I saw her, I could hear her soft voice. She was speaking a slow mix of Spanish and English but there were pauses in her speaking that I could only imagine meant that she was hand gesturing. There was some laughter, giggles and I could faintly hear another language. I didn’t want to interrupt my abuelita’s conversation. It sounded like she was just having the best little time in the corner of the Sear’s store.

I waited a few seconds, and she rounded the corner with another little old lady, practically her twin in stature and hair style. But this cute little old lady was speaking Russian. Between a mix of their own languages and English and lots of hand gesturing they were getting along just fine. I was introduced. There were hugs and strong hand squeezes followed minutes later by good byes when a young woman came around the corner, obviously worried about her grandma, who had been “missing”.

Somehow my abuelita had made a new friend at Sears. I wish now we had found a way to keep in touch because in that short time that lady really touched my abuelita’s heart.

Arroz con leche

Sometimes when I’m home alone, I day dream about walking into my abuelita’s house and finding her in her usual spot in the kitchen. She’s stirring a big pot. “Ya casi.” It’s almost ready. Mmm if I could just have some right now!

Maybe you like it hot or maybe you like it cold. I actually love it lukewarm. My abuelita made the most delicious arroz con leche, rice pudding, literally in the entire world.

I have tried others’ version of it. Eh, not the same. They’re too lumpy or too many raisins. So I’ll just dream about her’s. I’ll remember how smooth and sweet it was with the occasional raisin, just perfect, the way it was meant to be made.

A Little Paint

You’ve been lovingly used.

You’ve been lightly abused.

No, I won’t throw you away.

I can save you for another day.

A quick trip to the store.

You have what you need and more.

Scrape, sand and prime.

This work, just takes time.

Paint once, Paint twice

Well yes, you look very nice!

Closing the tabs.

A student once said to me, when she was feeling overwhelmed and near tears, “Mrs.Y, I have too many tabs open in my brain!”. This is how I’ve been feeling this school year.

Ever since that last bell yesterday, I’ve been giddy like a little girl! You would think that it’s summer break, but it’s only spring break. I’m just so excited to have time to be outside and take deep breaths and feel free even if it is only for ten days and close some tabs!

Finishing my loose ends at school, packing up my backpack and heading home, I felt like a college student at the end of the semester – so glad that I survived. So no work for me for at least eight days. I’m closing most of those open tabs in my brain for this week.

Don’t be sorry, I’m sorry.

He raised his hand. I was talking, greeting all my students first thing in the morning, I finally got to him. Yes M… “Mrs. Y, umm, I have to tell you something.” Oh boy, what happened. He looked and sounded nervous, poor kid. “Sure honey, what is it?” He relaxes, a little.

“Umm, we’re moving and it’s kind of like a surprise for us, so I umm have to go to a new school, umm so I won’t be in your remote class anymore. I’m really sorry.” Please do not be sorry.

(stab in the heart) He’s sorry? How sweet is that? He’s sorry. Oh my goodness. And he was so nervous to tell me!

We talk some more, he seems okay. Mom emails me. Truth, they’re moving. I will truly miss this kid. I’ve only known him via remote learning since October, but he is really, really a joy. So sweet, caring, patient, works hard, everything I would want in a student. And he’s sorry? No honey, I’m really sorry.

Birthdays Now

Soon it’ll be his birthday.

But no one is home to celebrate.

In their corners, far away,

specific time, don’t be late.

On our phones this will stay

the only way to celebrate.

Does it make me sad, this way?

Well, it’s how we do birthdays now.

Drop Everything!

My arms are full with groceries. It’s 7:15pm-ish, I’ve been to the gym and running errands since 4:20pm. I’m starved. My phone rings. Digging it out, I see that it’s my youngest hijo, wanting to Facetime. I’ve got so much to do.

But I drop everything. Throw the grocery bags on the counter, I slide the phone to answer with one hand.

Then I sit and enjoy a 45 minute conversation with my 20 year old college student. It’s more worth it, than I can explain. As soon as I see him and hear him, I melt. I miss him so much and for him to call in the middle of the week, is really something.

His call was worth dropping everything.

To coffee or not to coffee

Lately, I’ve been having a battle with myself. Down deep, I want to cut back on my coffee. Not because of all the caffeine reasons, you might think, but because of all the milk or creamer I’m consuming too.

You see, I just cannot, no matter how hard I try, drink coffee without some white stuff in it. I have cut back a lot in the last year or so, on the creamer, but now it’s me vs. 2% organic milk. The trouble is I end up having like 4 cups of coffee a day, so that’s like a whole cup of milk. Which in itself isn’t bad if you’re ten years old, but when I’ve been trying to lose a couple of Covid pounds every bit matters (a lot).

I think, no two cups is fine, now drink tea. My thing is though that I associate tea with winding down time, sit down, relax take it easy, but go time means coffee. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE tea, but I really crave that frothy coffee from Starbucks. Milky coffee brings me such comfort.

So the battle goes on. I got home from work today, and make a cup with the evil 2% milk, but I’m real happy right now. It’s the little things in life that matter!

Pineapples and crochet

During Covid times I have become obsessed with new crochet stitches. I learned to crochet while in the fourth grade. My abuelita helped me learn how to crochet dresses for my barbie dolls.

I’ve made two blankets for two of my hijos, one with a basket weave stitch and the other with an Irish knit crochet stitch.

Do you like ponchos? I’m obsessed with them too. I finished one for myself and one for my mom.

Now I’m crocheting another poncho with a new pattern that until now I had been intimidated to try. How have I learned? Yep, YouTube. It’s been my best Covid Crochet Friend. If you don’t crochet, try it!