Only Bilingual not Trilingual Day 7 SOL

Awww these kiddos! I only speak Spanish and English, so sometimes I get students who want to teach me their native language too. “You speak Spanish? Why don’t you speak Romanian?” “Long story honey, but sorry I don’t, I wish I did.” “I can teach you!” So one day these two 5th graders are teaching me how to say “good job” in Romanian. I repeat them over and over. They want to teach me how to say a whole sentence. “You are doing a good job.” I repeat, several times, they keep correcting me. They start laughing! Laughing at me! “Wait what’s going on? Why are you laughing at me? What did I say or do?” They’re bowled over laughing, I am very uncomfortable. I say “I’m trying! What’s so funny?” Finally “Mrs. Y, you are so funny! You speak Romanian with a Spanish accent.” Even I laugh at that! It is funny because guess what? I don’t even speak Romanian! I’m thinking that’s weird because no one has ever said I speak English with a Spanish accent, why would I have an accent when learning a new language. That is funny and weird. But these kiddos taught me something new – try, even if they laugh at you, because they’re not laughing at me only at how I sound and now that, I can work on!

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Buenos dias! Born in Bogota, Colombia, moved to Nashville, TN at 4 years old, learned English in Kinder, live in the Chicago area with husband and our 3 handsome Colombian muchachos and love being an ESL teacher.

9 thoughts on “Only Bilingual not Trilingual Day 7 SOL”

  1. Your post teaser made me curious….your experiences are very similar to mine. Learning Arabic so that I could help my students is a daily challenge for me. Being an EL teacher is still the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the way this story unfolds. Your students’ regard for you is so clear in their desire to teach you their language and in their comfort as they laugh with you. (Hopefully *with* you!)

    Liked by 1 person

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